How to make a 

masquerade mask

October 29, 2024

Below is a step by step guide on how to make a simple papier mache mask that is form fitted to your head. We made Halloween masks for our Halloween visit to Transylvania in 2024. Click here to read the post on sporting our masks and costumes at Dracula's Castle in Bran, Romania.


STEP ONE: Draw a picture of the mask you want and cut out a template from that picture (if possible). 

STEP TWO: Make the Tin Foil Base and cut out the eyes, nose, etc.  Use about 9 layers of 1' x 1' squares of tin foil and place it on your face and press into your eye sockets, shape around the nose and mouth (if you are doing a full mask). 

STEP 3: Make the papier mache mixture (H20 + Flour), saturate strips of newspaper or paper towel, strain, and apply to the tin foil mask base. Let dry overnight and put on a second layer.  Let dry overnight (or at least several hours) until dry and hard. 

STEP 4: Paint and decorate.

STEP 5: Make or purchase a custume or use existing clothes and accessories to complete the look.

Here are our final masks and custumes!

"Music Man"

The 2024 Jahns Family Costumes

"She Devil"

Dia de los Muertos

"Steampuk Jawa" ??

"Dark Angel"

We all voted Francesca's The Best Mask award.  She really knocked it out of the park!

There just happened to be a random Dia de los Muertos poster in Sibiu

Here is a quick video of us making our masks!